Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Polish phrases about Polish Christmas

Hello Everyone,

Christmas is getting closer and closer therefore today I will write for you Polish phrases relevant with Christmas.

Christmas Eve is the most beautiful holiday of the year. I love Polish Christmas because the whole family can eat a meal together, sing Christmas carols and St. Nicholas leaves presents for everybody J

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia ! - Merry Christmas

Wigilia- Christmas Eve Dinner

Oplatek - traditional wafer

Kolędy - Christmas Carols

choinka - Christmas tree

prezenty –gifts

szopka- cribs

Święty Mikołaj - St. Nicholas' Day or known to children in America as “Santa Claus”

Pasterka - Midnight Mass

good wishes for health, wealth and happiness in the New Year

Would like to try and write your Christmas greetings in Polish?

The most universal ones are as follows: Zdrowych i radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz szczęśliwego Nowego Roku życzą …- Wish you a healthy and full of joy Christmas and a Happy New Year from…

Niech czas Bożego Narodzenia upłynie w atmosferze radości i miłości, a Nowy Rok spełni wszystkie Wasze marzenia. Wszystkiego najlepszego życzą…- Let this Christmas time be full of joy and love and the New Year makes all your wishes come true. All the best from…

Życzenia zdrowia, szczęscia i radości w Nowym Roku - good wishes for health, wealth and happiness in the New Year

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Here is the video with this Polish phrases,


Anonymous said...

Dear Polish Phrases,
I hope you do not think this is spam!
I stumbled across you blog and was enchanted. I am part of a forum dedicated to discussions about Polish Culture. I gave your website address to the forum's administrator and founder Jagoda Urban-Klaeh, who posted a link in our forum.
Jaga would like to get in touch with you.
her website is http://culture.polishsite.us/ and the forum is at http://jagahost.proboards79.com/index.cgi

You can contact Jaga through either site or Jaga's address is jaga@klaehn.myrf.net

I hope you can get in touch with Jaga, as your blog could add much to our forum and to those of us whom are struggling with trying to learn Polish!

Oh, my screen name on the Forums is Hollister or Holly.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for your videos. My boyfriend is from Poland, and I'm going there to meet his family in the summer, so I'd like to be able to at least speak SOME Polish! Your videos are sooo helpful, and I'm sure a lot of other people are also learning a lot from this site!

Ignacio said...


Mieszkam w Argentynie i uczę się polskiego. Bardzo dziękuję za videos!


Thank you very much for your blog and videos! I'm learning Polish and your posts are of great help :-)

Keep up the good work!


CM said...

hello! why did you stoped??

Anonymous said...

Yes ....why did you stop. I came across your blog the other day by chance and now a second time has led me to this blog. I think you need to continue. Also nalesniki as I know it and have always known it to be not as an omelete but a crepe (thin pancake with either jams or a sweetened cheese rolled into it) I am Polsih but somethings you post seem different to what I know it as...your explanation for boil is to me cook. I hope you start up your blog again.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just browsed the internet and found your blog. It's really awesome. I try to learn Polish lately. And you blog and vedio help me a lot. Thank you so much!

Andrea said...

Hallo, I met your work by "Polishforums.com" ("Basic Polish Phrases"), greetings.

What's wrong with HTML ? (see the text of your blog). Nothing to do for that "endif"-and-so-on code ?

'Bye Andrea

Santa said...

Świetnie się czyta tego bloga, nie wiedziałem, że wogóle takie strony powstają. Powodzenia :)