Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Polish Phrases- Pytania - Questions

Polish Phrases-pytania-questions

Short Polish phrases about asking questions

Today I want to give you a very important Polish phrases that you will need if you want to ask somebody about something.


Gdzie jest ……? - Where is (the nearest) ...?

Gdzie jest toaleta? - Where is the toilet?

Ile to kosztuje? - How much does this cost?

Jak mogę dojść do...? -How do I get to the... ?

Jak daleko to jest? - How far is it?

Czy to jest daleko? - Is it far?

Jak długo to potrwa ? - How long will it take?

Czy wszystko jest jasne?- Is everything clear?

Co to znaczy?- What does it mean?

Czy są jakieś pytania ? – Are there any questions ?

Czy ma Pan/Pani drobne?- Do you have change?

Ile w sumie?- What is the total?

Jak się nazywasz?- What’s your name?

Skąd jesteś? - Where are you from?

Co zrobiłeś?- What did you do?

Co robimy? What are we up to?

Jakie masz hobby?- What’s your hobby?

Jaki masz numer telefonu? - What’s your phone number?

Jaki masz adres? - What’s your address?

Kto to jest ? -Who is that?

Kto mówi? - Who is it? (when speaking on the phone)

Wyjdziesz za mnie? - Will you marry me?

Co to jest? - What is this/that?

Co to za wystawa -What exhibition is that?.

Co to za budynek, szkoła, dom, hotel? What sort of building, school, house, hotel is that?

Dlaczego tak myślisz?- Why do you think so?

Where is this/that?- Gdzie to jest?

Jak myślisz ? – What do you think?

Która jest godzina? - What's the time please?

O której Ty będziesz ?- What time will you be there?

Jak mogłeś (aś) mi to zrobić?- How could you do it to me?

Po co? - What for?

What !?- Co!?

Where - Gdzie?

When ? – Kiedy?

Where - Dokąd

Why ?- Dlaczego?

How ? – Jak. d I hope you enjoy with this Polish phrases :) Bye.....

The Polish Alphabet

Polish alphabet which is uniquely different from the English alphabet. The Polish alphabet has no Q, X or V although these letters may be found in transcriptions of foreign names e.g. xero, fax, video. While it is possible to memorize some Polish phrases, words, or names without this knowledge. Here is the Polish alphabet:

a, ą, b, c, ć, d, e, ę, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ł, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, s, ś, t, u, w, y, z, ź, ż.

Polish phrases-Meeting and greeting-formal style

Polish phrases relevant with meeting ang greeting. .Today I show you short dialog with formal Polish phrases for meeting and greeting. Adam: Dzień dobry Pani Anno. Hello (Madam)

Ann: Dzień dobry Panie Adamie. Co u Pana słychać? Hello (sir) How are you?

Adam: Dziękuję dobrze. A u Pani?. Fine thank’s. And you?

Ann: Też dobrze. Dziękuję. Co Pan tu robi? Also fine. What are you doing here?

Adam: Odwiedzam mojego kolegę. I’m visiting my friend.

Ann: : O jak miło. O.. That nice.

Adam : Przepraszam, ale muszę już iść. Stefan na mnie czeka. Sorry, but Stefan is waiting for me.

Ann: Ja też musze już iść. Do widzenia. I have to go too.

Adam: Do zobaczenia. Hey, see you. ........................

Have fun with this Polish phrases :) Bye
