Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Polish Phrases- Pytania - Questions

Polish Phrases-pytania-questions

Short Polish phrases about asking questions

Today I want to give you a very important Polish phrases that you will need if you want to ask somebody about something.


Gdzie jest ……? - Where is (the nearest) ...?

Gdzie jest toaleta? - Where is the toilet?

Ile to kosztuje? - How much does this cost?

Jak mogę dojść do...? -How do I get to the... ?

Jak daleko to jest? - How far is it?

Czy to jest daleko? - Is it far?

Jak długo to potrwa ? - How long will it take?

Czy wszystko jest jasne?- Is everything clear?

Co to znaczy?- What does it mean?

Czy są jakieś pytania ? – Are there any questions ?

Czy ma Pan/Pani drobne?- Do you have change?

Ile w sumie?- What is the total?

Jak się nazywasz?- What’s your name?

Skąd jesteś? - Where are you from?

Co zrobiłeś?- What did you do?

Co robimy? What are we up to?

Jakie masz hobby?- What’s your hobby?

Jaki masz numer telefonu? - What’s your phone number?

Jaki masz adres? - What’s your address?

Kto to jest ? -Who is that?

Kto mówi? - Who is it? (when speaking on the phone)

Wyjdziesz za mnie? - Will you marry me?

Co to jest? - What is this/that?

Co to za wystawa -What exhibition is that?.

Co to za budynek, szkoła, dom, hotel? What sort of building, school, house, hotel is that?

Dlaczego tak myślisz?- Why do you think so?

Where is this/that?- Gdzie to jest?

Jak myślisz ? – What do you think?

Która jest godzina? - What's the time please?

O której Ty będziesz ?- What time will you be there?

Jak mogłeś (aś) mi to zrobić?- How could you do it to me?

Po co? - What for?

What !?- Co!?

Where - Gdzie?

When ? – Kiedy?

Where - Dokąd

Why ?- Dlaczego?

How ? – Jak. d I hope you enjoy with this Polish phrases :) Bye.....

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