Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Polish phrases about love

Romantic Polish phrases

I got a lot of e-mails from you, and you ask about romantic Polish phrases. Therefore today I will give you some Polish phrases about love. Polish Women and Polish Girls are among the most beautiful women in the world so let’s start…

Kocham Cię- I love you

Lubię Cię or podobasz mi się – I like you

Kochasz mnie?- do you love me?

Myślę o Tobie- I think about you

Kręcisz mnie- I have a crush on you

Zawsze bedziesz w moim sercu - you'll be always in my heart

Kocham tylko Ciebie na zawsze- I love only you forever

Proszę, przytul mnie - hug me, please

Jestes moim najlepszym przyjacielem - You are my best friend

Mój kochany- My love

Jesteś bardzo przystojny - You are very handsome man-

Pocałuj mnie - Kiss me

Przytul mnie - Hug me

Marzę o twoim dotyku - I dream of your touch

Pozwól mi być tym jedynym...- Let me be the one...

Pocałuj mnie na dobranoc - Give me A kiss for goodnight

Nie moge żyć bez Ciebie - I cant live without you

Nie chcę Cię stracić – I don’t want to lose you

Nigdy cię nie zapomnę- I never forget you

Jestes taka śliczna - You are very beautiful

Podoba mi się Twój śliczny uśmiech – I like your gorgeous smile

Nie moge żyć bez ciebie - I cant live without you

Tomorrow I will write especially for you Polish phrases about how to ask for a date.

Have fun

Friday, October 26, 2007

Polish phrases

The Polish phrases- Days, Months, Seasons, Weather.

Few Polish phrases about days:


Jaki dziś dzień ? - What day is it today?

Dziś jest ……- Today is …..

Poniedziałek - Monday

Wtorek - Tuesday

Środa - Wednesday

Czwartek - Thursday

Piątek - Friday

Sobota - Saturday

Niedziela – Sunday

Polish phrases with months

Miesiąc - Months

Styczeń – January

Luty – February

Marzec – March

Kwiecień - April

Maj – May

Czerwiec – June

Lipiec – July

Sierpień – August

Wrzesień - September

Październik – October

Listopad - November

Grudzień - December

W sierpniu -In August

Na początku sierpnia - at the beginning of August

Na koniec sierpnia - at the end of August

Wakacje – holiday, summer holiday

Polish phrases with season

Wiosna - Spring

Lato - Summer

Jesień - Autumn

Zima - Winter

Enjoy J

Polish Phrases – Accommodation

Polish phrases- I would like to book....

Today, I will give you few Polish phrases which are very useful when you traveling in the country and you want to book a room in a hotel.

Hotel- hotel

Pensjonat - guesthouse

Motel – motel

Hostel - hostel

Wolne pokoje - rooms available

Nie ma wolnych pokoi- full up

Chciałbym zarezerwować …. - I would like to book ...

Pokój z prysznicem i łazienką - a room with bath and shower

Pokój z łóżeczkiem dla dzieci - a room with a child's bed

Pokój z prysznicem i łazienką - a room with bath and shower an air-conditioned

Pokój z widokiem na morze - a room which faces the sea

Pokój z widokiem na góry - a room which faces the mountains

Pokój jednoosobowy- single room

Pokój dwuosobowy- double room

Noc – night

Dzień- day

Wliczone w cenę – included

Tani – cheap

Drogi - expensive

Tydzień – week


Bufetowe śniadanie - buffet breakfast

Obiad - dinner

Kolacja - supper

Lunch - lunch

Od której godziny podają Państwo śniadanie? - What time do you open for breakfast

Czy śniadanie jest wliczone w cenę ? - Is breakfast included ?

Czy jest tu gdzieś hotel ? - Is there a hotel here?

Czy macie wolny pokój ? - Do you have any vacancies?

Poproszę pokój ( dwuosobowy) - I'd like a room... double

Poproszę dwa pokoje na przeciwko siebie - We'd like two rooms next to each other

Chcielibyśmy zostać tu dwie noce - We'd like to stay 2 nights here.

Ile to kosztuje za noc ? - How much is it per night ?

Ile to kosztuje za tydzień? - How much is it per week ?

Na jak długo chcieliby Państwo zostać ? - For how many nights?

Proszę potwierdzić rezerwację e-mailem, faxem - Please confirm by e-mail, by fax.

I hope that Polish phrases about accommodation are not very difficult, if I’m wrong

feel free to contact me via e-mail Here is the recording Part1, have fun.....................

and part2..........

Polish phrases - Food

The Polish phrases about fruit and vegetables.

The most I like fruit, I’m not a Fruitarian ( I love meat) but I start writing Polish phrases about fruit. The most popular fruit in Poland is apple – jabłko.


Jabłka - apples

Banany - bananas

Wiśnie - cherries

Winogrona – grapes

Białe winogrona – white grapes

Ciemne winogrona – dark grapes

Cytryna - lemon

Grejfrut – grapefruit

Limonka – lime

Maliny – raspberries

Truskawki – strawberries

Czarna porzeczka – blackcurrant

Czerwona porzeczka – redcurrant

Borówki – bilberrys

Brzoskwinie – peaches

Pomarańcze – oranges

Polish phrases about vegetables

Ziemniaki - potatoes

Marchewka – carrot

Pietruszka - parsley

Kalafior - cauliflower

Pomidory – tomatoes

Rzodkiewka – radish

Ogórek – cucumber

Ogórki konserwowe – pickles

Kapusta – cabbage

Kapusta kiszona - sauercraut

Cebula – onion

Buraki - beets

Grzyby - mushrooms

Sałata - lettuce

Groch – peas

Fasola - bean

Soja – soy

Soczewica - lentil

Czosnek - garlic

Papryka – paprika

Ostra papryka (chili) – chili

And last Polish phrases: sól –salt, pieprz - pepper

and recording............


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Polish phrases-Eating out

Polish phrases-in the restaurant

Welcome everyone who is looking for a Polish phrases about eating out.

Today I will show you very useful Polish phrases relevant with eating out. In Poland eating out is very popular and there is a lot of grate restaurants, pubs, taverns offer customers not only traditional Polish food. I will write today a few key Polish phrases to help you how and what to order in a restaurant.


Stolik dla ośmiu osób, proszę - A table for eight, please

Czy jest wolny stolik? - Is there a table free?

Menu poproszę - I would like to see the menu.

Czy możemy dostać śniadanie? - Can we have breakfast?

Na pierwsze danie - For the first course

Na drugie danie - For the second course

Na deser - For dessert

Poproszę .. - I'll have ..

To było bardzo smaczne - The meal was very good

Wystarczy, dziękuję - That's enough, thanks

Smacznego! - Enjoy your meal!

To danie jest zimne - This meal is cold

Nie zamawialiśmy tego - We didn't order this

Czy obsługa jest wliczona? - Is service included?

Ile kosztuje …?-How much is …..?

Rachunek proszę. -The bill please.

Poproszę piwo- I would like a beer.


Białe wino- white wine

Czerwone wino-red wine

Wytrawne - dry

Półwytrawne- semi dry

Kieliszek wina- glass of wine

Poproszę kieliszek białego wina- I’d like a glass of white wine

Poproszę zupę pomidorową - I’d like a tomato soup

Poproszę kaczkę po chłopsku - I’d like a duck peasant style

Co by Pan nam polecił- What do you reccomend?

Bardzo smaczne -very tasty


I guarantee that with this Polish phrases you won’t be hungry :)

Have fun


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Polish Phrases- Pytania - Questions

Polish Phrases-pytania-questions

Short Polish phrases about asking questions

Today I want to give you a very important Polish phrases that you will need if you want to ask somebody about something.


Gdzie jest ……? - Where is (the nearest) ...?

Gdzie jest toaleta? - Where is the toilet?

Ile to kosztuje? - How much does this cost?

Jak mogę dojść do...? -How do I get to the... ?

Jak daleko to jest? - How far is it?

Czy to jest daleko? - Is it far?

Jak długo to potrwa ? - How long will it take?

Czy wszystko jest jasne?- Is everything clear?

Co to znaczy?- What does it mean?

Czy są jakieś pytania ? – Are there any questions ?

Czy ma Pan/Pani drobne?- Do you have change?

Ile w sumie?- What is the total?

Jak się nazywasz?- What’s your name?

Skąd jesteś? - Where are you from?

Co zrobiłeś?- What did you do?

Co robimy? What are we up to?

Jakie masz hobby?- What’s your hobby?

Jaki masz numer telefonu? - What’s your phone number?

Jaki masz adres? - What’s your address?

Kto to jest ? -Who is that?

Kto mówi? - Who is it? (when speaking on the phone)

Wyjdziesz za mnie? - Will you marry me?

Co to jest? - What is this/that?

Co to za wystawa -What exhibition is that?.

Co to za budynek, szkoła, dom, hotel? What sort of building, school, house, hotel is that?

Dlaczego tak myślisz?- Why do you think so?

Where is this/that?- Gdzie to jest?

Jak myślisz ? – What do you think?

Która jest godzina? - What's the time please?

O której Ty będziesz ?- What time will you be there?

Jak mogłeś (aś) mi to zrobić?- How could you do it to me?

Po co? - What for?

What !?- Co!?

Where - Gdzie?

When ? – Kiedy?

Where - Dokąd

Why ?- Dlaczego?

How ? – Jak. d I hope you enjoy with this Polish phrases :) Bye.....

The Polish Alphabet

Polish alphabet which is uniquely different from the English alphabet. The Polish alphabet has no Q, X or V although these letters may be found in transcriptions of foreign names e.g. xero, fax, video. While it is possible to memorize some Polish phrases, words, or names without this knowledge. Here is the Polish alphabet:

a, ą, b, c, ć, d, e, ę, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ł, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, s, ś, t, u, w, y, z, ź, ż.

Polish phrases-Meeting and greeting-formal style

Polish phrases relevant with meeting ang greeting. .Today I show you short dialog with formal Polish phrases for meeting and greeting. Adam: Dzień dobry Pani Anno. Hello (Madam)

Ann: Dzień dobry Panie Adamie. Co u Pana słychać? Hello (sir) How are you?

Adam: Dziękuję dobrze. A u Pani?. Fine thank’s. And you?

Ann: Też dobrze. Dziękuję. Co Pan tu robi? Also fine. What are you doing here?

Adam: Odwiedzam mojego kolegę. I’m visiting my friend.

Ann: : O jak miło. O.. That nice.

Adam : Przepraszam, ale muszę już iść. Stefan na mnie czeka. Sorry, but Stefan is waiting for me.

Ann: Ja też musze już iść. Do widzenia. I have to go too.

Adam: Do zobaczenia. Hey, see you. ........................

Have fun with this Polish phrases :) Bye


Monday, October 22, 2007

Polish phrases-Meeting and greeting-informal style

Polish phrases relevant with meeting people that you know well.

Now I write a dialog with informal Polish phrases that you can use when you meet class mate, work mate, friend.


Adam: Cześć !- Hello !

Ann: Cześć!-Hello

Adam : Jak się masz?- How are you?

Ann: Dobrze. Dziękuję - I’m fine, thank you

Adam: Do zobaczenia. Hey, see you.

Ann: Cześć. Miłego dnia. Bye, have a nice day


Please , practise this Polish phrases. See you

Friday, October 19, 2007

Polish phrases for Meeting and Greeting

Today I want to write for you few Polish phrases that you can use when you meeting new people.

In Poland greetings are similar to those in English. The Polish phrases for meeting and greeting will lead you to the dialog at the end.

I will show how these Polish phrases are used in conversational Polish.

Hello, Hi- Cześć (informal)

Good morning- Dzień dobry (formal)

Good evening- Dobry wieczór

Goodbye - Do widzenia (formal)

Bay-Cześć (informal)

Excuse me / I’m sorry- Przepraszam

See you later/tomorrow - Do zobaczenia/jutro

Nice to meet you [m/f] - Miło Pana/Panią poznać

Thank you- Dziękuję

You’re welcome- Proszę bardzo

Do you speak English?- Czy mówisz po angielsku?

Could you speak more slowly, please- Czy możesz mówić trochę wolniej

I don’t understand- Nie rozumien

Yes- Tak

No- Nie

What is your name?- Jak się nazywasz?

My name is... – Nazywam się ……

I’m from...- Jestem z …..

How are you?- Jak się masz?

I’m fine, thank you- Dobrze, dziękuję

I hope that Polish phrases for meeting and greeting will be helpful to start new friendship or maybe bussiness relations?

See you soon


Polish phrases-Pierogi recipe

Polish phrases about how to make pierogi.

Today, I offer you my mum's recipe for a homemade meat dumplings served with crispy bacon and of course few Polish phrases relevant with preparing dumplings. let's start

The Dough

3 egg

1 (8 ounce) container sour cream

3 cups all-purpose flour

¼ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon baking powder

The Fillings

1 kilo good quality pork

2 large onions

salt, pepper


1.To prepare the meat filling, cook the meat and ground in a food processor, chop the onions, fry them in butter until they just become translucent, then add the ground meat . Fry to about 5 minutes. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste.

2. To make the dough, mix all ingredients together. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until firm and smooth. Roll dough approximately 1/8-inch thick. Cut into round shapes, approximately 3 ½-inches in diameter. Add a small amount of meat filling to the center of a disk. Fold in half to form a half-moon shape. Seal and pinch ends tightly.

3. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pierogi and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until pierogi float to the top. Remove with a slotted spoon.

4. Fry the bacon on a golden brown color and besprinkle crispy bacon on pierogi.

Ciasto- dugh

Pierogi -dumplings

Mięso - meat

Boczek -bacon

Cebula -cabbage

Ciasto –dough




Sól - salt

Pieprz –pepper When my friend start to learn Polish as a first he remember Polish phrases connection with food. Smacznego!- Bon appetite!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Polish phrases- polish traditional food-pierogi

Polish phrases-traditional dishes. ...... .

Today I will write you few Polish phrases relevant with traditional Polish dishes. This dishes are very popular among tourists visiting Poland.

You can also find this Polish phrases in a menu in the restaurant's and bar's so, try to remember the name's these dishes.

Polish food features many soups, made with mushrooms, broth, and beets. Also Fish dishes are popular, especially in regional Polish traditional food. Carp, pike, perch, eel, and sturgeon are all popular and served in various ways. For desert, Polish meals will include Polish sernik, szarlotka, makowiec (a sponge cake with a poppyseed filling), or kremówka-favorite cake of John Paul II.

I love cooking polish food because it’s easy to cook, I love also eating Polish food especially pierogi and for a desert szarlotkę it’s some king of apple tarts but szarlotka is much more better. I will share with you the greatest and tested by me recipes for a homemade polish food like: pierogi, polish kiełbasę(sausage), bigos, zrazy and many oders.

I read about great international Pierogi Fest organized in Chicago and about Jesus Alvarez, king of all pierogi in Chicago. Link to this article wrote in a Chicago Tribune to


Pierogi-dumplings – (is delicious)

Kopytka - hoof-shaped dumplings

kiełbasa- sausage

bigos - hunter's stew

goląbki - stuffed cabbage

Kasza gryczana - buckwheat groats

Placki kartoflane - potato pancakes

Barszcz czerwony - hot beetroot soup

Rosoł z kurczaka- golden chicken soup with noodles

Flaki wołowe- pork tripe

Żurek - sour rye soup with potato, sausage or an egg, sometimes served in a bread loaf, (also very tasty)

Smalec - partially double fried lard. It is often spread over bread and served as an appetizer before dishes.

Szarlotka-apple pie

sernik- cheesecake makowiec- a sponge cake with a poppyseed filling

Naleśniki - omelet’s stuffed with meat and many more things like jam, fruit, etc. very similar to crepes but more thinner. ....... After that Polish phrases I feel hungry, so ......goodbye and Have a nice day
